1-Tuesday 12th March En Sha Allah would be the first of Ramadan
2- We start everyday 5.00 pm by reciting a Quran JUZ’, Dua Efttetah, short speech, Jama-ah prayer and Eftar
Thursdays Dua Kumayl is read instead Duaa Iftitah and 13th, 14th and 15th of Ramadan Dua Mujir is recommended to be read
3- From 16th day of Ramadan we start at 5.30 pm.
Because of time changing from Sunday 31st of MAR, (20th Ramadan) we start 6.30 pm
4- On Qadrs’ nights we start 6 pm by Quran reciting, then Jama-ah prayer and Eftar.
From 8.30 pm to about 12 am the particular programme of Qadr night will be presented as follows: Joshan Kabir Dua, short speech, Musibah and the Quran overhead prayer. Azadari will be performed about 11 pm
Because of time changing from Sunday 31st of MAR, (20th Ramadan) we start Qadr night Majlis one hour later.
5- We start 6.00 pm on the 29th day of Ramadan (9th of April 2024) to recite 2 Juz’s of the holy Quran.
5- Eid prayer will be performed on 8.30 am and the amount of Fetrah is £6
* Celebration on Imam Hassan’s (PBUH) auspicious birthday on 14th of Ramadan
* click on the link to join us online https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84969428410
6- If you would like to serve Allah’s guests by Eftar please pay in cash at office centre or deposit into:
ACCOUNT: 50123951
SORT: 40-11-56