We start everyday 5.00 pm; respectively by reciting a Quran JUZ’E, Jama-ah prayer, serving Iftar, Dua Eftetah and speech (from the day 15th we recite Dua Iftetah before Maghrib Azan).
* On Thursday nights of the month Dua Kumayl and from the days 13-15 Dua Mojeer will be recited instead of Dua Iftitah.
* On Qadrs’ nights we start 5.30 pm by Quran JUZ’E reciting, then Jama-ah prayer and serving Iftar.
From 7.30 pm to about 11 pm the particular programme of Qadr night will be presented as follows: Joshan Kabir Dua, short speech, Musibah and the Quran overhead prayer; Azadari will be performed about 10 pm.
* If you would like to serve Allah’s guests by Iftar please pay in cash at office centre or deposit into:
ACCOUNT: 00056464
SORT: 40-31-48
Manchester Islamic Institute